Thursday, December 5, 2013

I'm Dreaming of a...

...Goodwill Christmas.

I really felt like skipping this Christmas altogether. I have no plans to send out cards this year. Can't imagine making Christmas goodies. I didn't have plans to decorate, but my husband decided to decorate the porch and the kids begged me to have a tree but instead of our typical big tree I just pulled our miniature one from the closet. I had no plans to drag out all of the decorations this year.

I also had no plans to do a lot of shopping. This year, if anything, the true meaning of Christmas shall prevail. The whole Black Friday shopping and buying just to buy things makes me feel sad. I joked with my siblings and mom that we should just buy the ugliest thing at Goodwill for each other. The idea stuck. My mom and siblings over 18 are looking for the ugliest, yuckiest, tackiest things we can find for each other. The rules are that it has to be used and has to be under $5. I've actually had fun, as have Becca and Joe, trying to find the perfect gift for everyone! :)

Today, with my husband off from work, we decided to go grocery shopping and made a stop at another Goodwill. I found a few perfect gifts for my siblings and then actually found a few decorations for my own home. The snowman, embroidered picture, sparkly tree, and snowman picture holder (which will hold my holiday cards) were under $10 combined. Decorating the buffet without much hassle or heartbreak? Priceless.  
Yesterday after going to an Amish dent and bent discount store (discounted food products) we stopped at a little out of the way thrift store. I found several miniature vintage wooden ornaments for 10 cents each. Their ugliness drew me to them, the type of ugly that ends up being cute. These are now decorating our tiny Christmas tree. 
I equate this as our Charlie Brown Christmas. Bare. A little ugly. Hopefully beauty is found in it's simplicity.



  1. Sending you Love. Lots of love, wrapping you in a soft warm blanket. Your children are beautiful! Many thanks for the delishous recipes!

  2. Your Goodwill Christmas sounds perfectly fun. Hoping the silly, ugly, tacky gifts give you some light moments and something to smile about during the holiday. Know that you and your family (and your sweet Jacob) are in the thoughts and prayers of others.
