Sunday, October 20, 2013

Little Book of Great Dates

Little Book of Great Dates by Dr. Greg & Erin Smalley looked like a book that I could really use right about now. Admittedly, my husband and I can count on one hand the number of times we have gone out alone in three years. That's bad but it's also life with a sick child.

I don't know if it was just bad timing or the actual book but I didn't get a lot out of it. Apparently the dates should go in order of the book since many chapters reference the previous one with "On your last date you ". And with 52 chapters it seems as though the authors are insinuating that you will have a weekly date night (the first chapter starting with a New Year's date). For someone who went from roughly one date a year a weekly date night seems to stretch it.

Couple that with the fact that while some date night suggestions are relatively inexpensive (to downright free, such as a nature hike), it still begins to look unattainable from a budget standpoint. Babysitting is expensive - so unless you have a willing friend or relative to do it for free or you are more financially set these weekly dates can become quite expensive.

I'm not knocking weekly date night for those who do it but I wish this book would have had a little more leeway in terms of the suggestions or order in which to do them.

I also felt some of the suggestions were the same thing, over and over again, and quite frankly there were very few that actually sounded fun and/or exciting. With that said, it may be more of the timing for me (nothing sounds fun right now) than the actual book itself.

I, personally, think this book would be great for empty-nester couples. A way to connect on weekly date nights and get to know each other all over again. For me many of the suggestions seem unattainable for a couple with many small children who also live in a small town (trying Opera or ball room dancing would 1. not excite my husband, 2. involve a good amount of money, and 3. involve a trip to a much larger city which would also require more money for the date for gas costs and extra babysitting charges).

I did enjoy reading some of the questions spouses should ask each other on their dates and how these will also strengthen the Christian bond between the two. It may be better to use the book as a reference guide and pick and choose which ones work best for you.

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by Tyndale Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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