Thursday, September 19, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

On this one month anniversary since Jacob's passing I wanted to remind everyone of the Random Acts of Kindness that we (and the world!) are doing in Jacob's honor. This news clip tells all about it.

Jacob's Facebook page profiles what random acts people do, as well as random people who never heard about Jacob who had a random act done for them. Some recent stories are:

*A few hours ago I was in line to buy groceries when the lady in front of me turned around and handed me a card... I glanced at it, thinking it was a coupon she couldn't use or something, then looked up to see the cashier was ringing up my groceries on her tab... she then told me she was paying for my groceries! I was stunned I teared up a few times and hugged her. I could hardly think or move, we both were tearing up and everyone around was watching. I was so flustered I didn't even shut my van door all the way before leaving the parking lot! This was so unbelievably moving for me, I have three children and we have had a very hard past couple of years. I am battling some fierce depression so this was overwhelming for me.... THANK YOU for reminding me of the good in the world. I could never imagine losing a child and he must have had a huge heart.... please know that today Jacob has impacted me and my family in a big way. I cannot wait to pass it on.

*Just was treated to breakfast for myself and son at bagel store, courtesy of Jacob. Brought tears to my eyes....I actually posted the card on facebook, told my small story of this am, and asked my friends to also pass on. God bless.
Thank you for making me stop and think about life.

*Yesterday I was the recipient of a random act of kindness in Jacob's honor. It was the 19 year anniversary of my husbands diagnosis of sarcoma. And the one week anniversary of my diagnosis of breast cancer. I wanted to update my... family photos as the last time we did them we only had two kids. We now have four! They range in ages from 11 to 1. A girlfriend of mine found us a photographer who was willing to do them on short notice. Once the photos were done I tried to pay her. She proceeded to tell me about Jacob's ladder and how she needed to do this for me. Hesitantly, I graciously accepted. I realize this is going to be a long, difficult struggle for me, but I will pay it forward. Someday, somehow, I will in honor of Jacob. Thank you for sharing your story.

*So I had to share - I received the cards, I have been randomly using then, dining, grocery stores, just wherever I feel lead to use them, carrying groceries or paying, whatever just doing, last night I ran to the pharmacy to get a few things for my son, as I approached to pay the rung everything up and handed me one of the cards I gave and told me the medicine was paid for.

These are just some of the many stories. It makes my heart happy to know that people are being kind in honor of Jacob. He was such a giving boy and I know that he is smiling down on us as we do these acts. Because, these acts aren't just honoring him, but also our selves and the people around us and especially, God. 

          Acts 20:35    
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”


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