Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist

If you are cookbook reader like me, I know that you will enjoy the book Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist. The book is a collection of stories with a recipe at the end of each chapter. I love reading about another person's journey to cooking, why they choose each recipe, why certain recipes are special to them, etc.

Just her way of writing is delicious. For example, the paragraph on the back cover alone made me pick up this book and read it:

"My prayer is that you'll read these pages first curled up on your couch or in bed or in the bathtub, and then after that you'll bring it to the kitchen with you, turning corners of pages, breaking the spine, spilling red wine on it and splashing vinegar across the pages, that it will become battered and stained as you cook and chop and play, music loud and kitchen messy."

That right there is a perfect review of her book. It was warm and comforting, delicious and thirst quenching. While the majority of recipes were not ones I would try (the Breakfast Cookies on page 116 sound divine though!) I enjoyed it as a book and would recommend it!

Disclaimer: This book was given to me from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest opinion.

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