Sunday, July 21, 2013

God Is Near

It's Sunday morning and I sit here with a cup of coffee at my side and the sound of the oxygen concentrator buzzing away. Jacob's lifeline fills the whole house with it's wisps and puffs and motor hums.

There is no chance of making it to church today. As Jacob's sole caregiver (he wants no one but mom) I am with him around the clock. There is no need for church today; I feel God more present here than ever before.

I see Him in Jacob's smile.
I hear Him in the voices of the people who stop by with meals to feed our family.

I see Him in my friends and family who are rallying around me to support us in this time of need. They, to me, are the circle of covered wagons...they have circled us and placed us in the middle for protection.

I feel Him in Jacob's little hand as he reaches to hold mine each night.

I see Him in Jacob's frail, yet strong body. He's exceeded everyone's expectations this month and continues to surprise us with his strength. He has shown that you don't need a buff, strong body to hold within it the courage and strength of a lion.

As I look into Jacob's eyes, I see God. Soon Jacob will get to see Him face to face but for now he is showing Him to those around himself. He is leading the way. 

Isaiah 11:6
The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.


  1. Just beautiful, my friend <3 Angela

  2. What an amazing honor to your son your family friends this post is all the while your broken heart you choose to see gifts..prayer sent your way too you and your family peace strength mercy and patience. Hugs

  3. I have no words except that yours have touched my heart. Our family continues to keep you and Jacob and your family in prayer.

  4. What an amazing testimony your family has for God! Your family's strength I know comes from God and God alone. Heartbreaking post but a beautiful one.

  5. To stop and see the light in each person is a gift. You and your family remain in my heart and prayers

  6. (hug) Know that I am thinking of you all the way here from SC. Love to you, Jacob, and your family.
