Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend Fun

We took off early Saturday morning and had a fun, jam packed weekend.

First up was a stop at Living History Farms. It feels like going back in time where you get to step into a 1700 farm, 1871 farm, and a 1900 farm.

You get to tour the houses, grounds, barns, and the downtown of the 1871 era.

The kids are able to get hands on with different activities, such as grinding cinnamon at the drug store or setting the table at the farmhouse (where they really cook food for the workers on that farm!).

Lots of play went on during the weekend as well. We also had a stop at the zoo but it started pouring rain the minute we entered and it was so chilly that we had to leave soon after walking through the indoor exhibit. We may need to take a trip to the Madison, WI zoo soon to make up for that.
AdventureLand was the last stop this weekend. We spent all day Sunday there and the kids rode as many rides as possible. No pictures were taken as we were having too much fun to dig out the camera.

All of us, including the baby, exhausted ourselves with the fun. :)


  1. Ooh, I think we need to take a trip north this summer. I loved Living History Farm when I was a kid, and I think my kids are long overdue for a visit.

  2. Aww... looks like it was a fun day! :) And anything that helps the baby sleep is a bonus! ;) lol!

  3. I had loved Living History Farms when I went on a school trip when I was 10. This was the first ever visit for the kids and they enjoyed it even more than AdventureLand...and also learned a lot about the past and how people lived! Total bonus!

  4. This farm looks great!! My son would totally love it!!!
