Saturday, June 29, 2013

This Week

*First and foremost, Jacob has been having pain in his side and has been short of breath the past week. Our Hospice nurse yesterday said that he has restricted airflow to the bottom part of his left lung. The doctors put him on antibiotics and we are praying that it is just an infection that will clear up with this medicine and not effects from the tumors. He just received the second dose of antibiotics tonight but his breathing seemed more labored today (with him getting quite out of breath just walking up the stairs). I pray to see an improvement tomorrow or the next day. Please keep him in your prayers. The majority of his updates are on his Facebook page.

*I am doing well on Lose It and am down a pound this week. I noticed my real problem is sweets - I crave them all the time, more so when I am stressed (which is a lot lately). Any suggestions on how to curb the sweet tooth?

*I'm trying out the facial oil that I received in a subscription box. It's only day 2 so I'm not sure what the effects will be but it seems so wrong to put oil on skin that already gets so oily. Rumor has it that by using oil on the face it makes your face less oily and less prone to breakouts? I don't know how that works but it will be interesting to see and with the major breakouts since Amy's birth I can use all the help I can get - my skin feels like a teenager's again (not in a good way!).

*The kids finished up their reading log at the library and are now on the bonus reading logs. I'm loving their love of reading this summer. 

*I donated two more full bags of items to the charity shop this past week and have another bag started. I know I've said it before but I really want to be ruthless with what goes and what stays. With four kids with different hobbies and interests it is hard to pair down our belongings. It's getting there though - just slowly!


  1. Stevia helps with sweet cravings. We use the NOW brand at It's great! Use it in smoothies or teas to really sweeten them up. Fresh fruit also helps.

    1. Lori- I have some Stevia but can never figure out how to adjust recipes to it. It is sooooo sweet and I have never found a conversion chart. Do you just play around until you get it right or is there a way to figure out how much to add in place of sugar?

    2. We don't cook with it. I don't think it is good for that. We use honey and maple syrup to cook with. You certainly don't need much. I am so sorry to hear about your precious son. May God give you comfort and strength.

  2. Praying for Jacob's lungs to clear up.

    The best thing I ever did for my face was to use oil. Do not be afraid of it. It really does work.

    1. Amy - Do you use a certain type of oil or like olive oil? Once this sample of oil is gone I would prefer to use coconut or olive oil but am not sure if that is the same? I just know the type that I am using now is expensive!

  3. Praying for Jacob!

    I have a sweet tooth too. My solution would probably disgust some people - Fiber One 90 Calorie Chocolate Brownie Bars. They cure my cravings, are 90 calories, and are convenient. I figure they are better than soda or candy bars?

  4. I follow your blog daily and pray for Jacob as well. I just never can find the words to write. Praying for you just does not seem Just. I know someone who swears by coconut oil but I have never tried it. I am praying for the antibiotics to work quickly and you are able to signs of them working.
