Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What I'm Lovin' Wednesday

I'm linking up with What I'm Lovin' Wednesday and today it's baby time!

Of course, I love my baby. But I also found a few baby products that I adore and can't live without. With this being my fourth baby I have learned that I don't need a lot of products. No little plastic bath tub to take up space, no heated wipe warmer or burp bibs (luckily, my babies are not prone to spit up). There are a few items that I have found to be a life saver.

*Fuzzi Bunz diapers. These have been my favorite diapers so easy to use and such cute colors and designs. It doesn't hurt that I also found 17 of them at a garage sale in like new condition for $32!

*The Fisher-Price Rock 'N Play Sleeper. This is an awesome, light weight rocker - somewhat of a newer version of the bassinet. I can use it next to our bed for nighttime or bring it downstairs for naps. She loves this thing and it keeps her so content. I wish I had it with the other kids but I think it is a newer invention. I recommend it for all parents of newborns!
*The New Native Baby Carrier. I used this same one when Joe was a baby and find it even more useful this time around. It's so easy to slip her into the sling and get things done around the house but even better is when we are out and about. I hate lugging a car seat into stores and feel it's unfair to baby when they want to look around them. Plus, I dislike strangers coming up to touch the baby. She is so comfortable in the sling and my hands are free. This has especially been a life saver at the hospital. It's a HUGE hospital and you can easily walk one to two miles getting from appointment to appointment. With this sling I am able to push Jacob in a wheel chair and carry Amy around. I see their site now has adorable designs on their slings but my plain organic carrier seems to do the job. :)

What is one life saver you loved when you had babies?

Disclaimer: Amazon widget above has referral link.


  1. I loved my slings too, a TCK Close when they were small then an Ergo from four months.
    That is such a cute photo of her in the sling.

  2. Bottles of wine. They're great because they make a comeback in the teen years too. ;) -Marian
