Friday, May 3, 2013

Busy Bees

After a week long visit with the in-laws and several appointments this past week my blog postings have been put on the back burner.

A quick recap of the week:

*Amy turned one month old! How time the point that I barely remember April. The month literally was just *poof* gone for me. My sweet baby is so good and is eating and sleeping great. She has been blessing us with her smiles since just a few days old.

*Jacob will be receiving radiation once again to slow the growth of things and will be starting that next week. He was so brave yesterday during all the tests and is my hero for all he puts up with.

He is off his oral chemo for close to two weeks now as his counts dropped quite low, to the point of needing a transfusion this past Monday when his platelets hit 10,000 and his hemoglobin was down to 6.9. He felt much better after being topped up and has more energy now. We hope his counts are back to normal on Monday so that he can resume the Etoposide.

*Our weather is insane. We went from 80 degrees one day to 35 degrees the next. I want to be able to work in the garden and get things planted but here it feels like winter again.

 *Our 12th wedding anniversary is coming up on Sunday and Joe turns 5 next week (the same day that Jacob starts radiation).

*Today is a lazy day for us all. Tv and books are the focus and pjs are the attire. I so needed a day like today to rest and recoup.



  1. You have such a beautiful family!!! And Jacobs optimism and smiles bring tears to my eyes!! You are blessed! :) Hugs & prayers!!

  2. So much going on up and happy and hopeful for your beautiful family. Thanks for update im sure logging might be on ur mind but many days your list too long to even put it on the bottom. Acai. Lovely family. Your older daughter is starting to look like you!:-D

  3. I'm glad everyone is doing well!
