Thursday, March 28, 2013


After speaking with a very nice and knowledgeable doctor from St. Jude's we have all come to the conclusion to go back to Iowa City and start on some oral chemotherapy, which can be done at home. The studies available to us right now are all Phase I, which is MORE of a gamble than the oral chemotherapy. Doctors are now once again saying "No cure" and "quality of life" but we know that miracles do still happen, if it is God's will. We pray that this oral chemotherapy does something...whether it be stall the tumors or even shrink them.

We have an appointment on Monday to talk over the chemotherapy options and hopefully pick up the pills. We have changed to a different oncologist as we were not comfortable with the one that we had the past three years.

This has been a very stressful week - playing phone tag with doctors, making some huge decisions, awaiting a new baby in the house (the due date is today!), and watching our elderly dog go downhill quickly which will lead to just another decision having to be made. Please continue to keep us in your prayers - we need them!!!


  1. I am so sorry that you have all this stress. Your family has been in my thoughts all week and I have been checking here all week for an update. Thanks for letting us know what the next step is. As always you will be in our prayers.

  2. Big hugs for you and your family!

  3. Oh it does all seem to hit when u feel you can't spare another obstacle. Keep ur faith, he wants nothing but good for you...i hope and pray that some great answers
    Will come from patience and silence to her his words. Hope your package showed today being its such a special ay in your heart already...

  4. Why are life's joys so often accompanied by some heartache too. I'm very sorry you have to go down another treatment path. I'm sure changing oncologists was not an easy decision. I will pray for your family.

  5. Know you are all in our prayers daily!

  6. I have not commented on your blog in some time. But I am always reading and praying over your special family!

  7. You and yours are always in my heart and prayers... I know this was not what you had hoped for but I believe in miracles at all stages of the life path. Sending you Live, Light, Hope and Healing - Grace

  8. Hey Beth,
    We are praying for all of you.
