Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This Week

*I'm tying not to dread Friday, when we learn the results of whether this medicine (chemotherapy) is working for Jacob or not. I've placed it all in God's hands but there, of course, are moments of anxiousness.

*I had to dig through the bins of clothing in order to pull out some size 5 pants for Joe. He seems to have had a growth spurt overnight. One week his size 4 pants fit and the next they were all too short! I even noticed today that the sleeves of some of his shirts are now quite short on him. That doesn't happen much with my children; they are all fairly small and grow at a slow rate so this was very noticeable. That's also probably why he has been eating us out of house and home lately...that boy can sure pack away the food!

*Speaking of Joe, Jacob and him have been having a blast with the Darth Vader costume and light sabers that their Grandma sent to them!

*The kids are looking forward to a sibling class this week at the hospital. They get to learn all about babies and make their little sister a birthday card for when she arrives! I'm hoping that the hospital takes down their visitation restrictions before my due date or else the children won't be able to visit us in the hospital (due to RSV and influenza no visitors under 14 years of age are allowed at this time). Keeping my fingers crossed on that one!

*I'm loving the extra hour of daylight and am looking forward to spring weather, though our ground is covered with snow and we seem to get a new covering weekly yet!


  1. Praying for Jacobs positive results!! :) Keep the faith! xo

    Love that pic.. haha!! My son was forever dressed up like that as well, so sweet.. er.. scary. ;) I think my youngest has went through a growth spurt as well, but I don't want to buy anything till spring weather hits. So for now we'll make do & see in a month what's needed.

  2. I'm scared of the teen years when it comes to clothing! It is so easy to find little boy's items used but already I'm running into the problem of finding bigger sizes for Jacob. In size 7 or 8 it seems that most kids wear their clothing out and so I find very little of that used, except for dress clothing which we don't need! So glad that I have hand-me-downs for Joe to wear right now - it was so easy to pull the size 5'sfrom storage instead of running to the store!

  3. I have found that it is very hard to find cute anything for my teen age daughters at consignments or garage sales. Once in a great while I will find something good.

    Praying for Jacob that his tests on Friday are positive!


  4. Please keep us posted about the scans! Thinking of you guys!
