Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Help Win the Fight

September is Pediatric Cancer month which is a cause near and dear to my heart. Cancer is a horrible beast to fight for anyone but it is especially haunting to watch a child fight a battle that they don't understand.

Unfortunately, even with 12,000 children being diagnosed yearly with cancer, the funding for research just isn't there. Mere pennies from every dollar donated to cancer research ends up going towards Pediatric Cancer Research. This needs to change - we need to make it so that some day no child has to face the uncertainty of cancer.

Imagine my excitement when I heard that SheSpeaks and Aflac have teamed together to sponsor a virtual rubber duck race with the proceeds going to Pediatric cancer research!

How can you help? You can enter the Swim With Friends virtual rubber duck race here for $12, Aflac will match your donation for every duck that you purchase (so feel free to get more than one!). Each donation of $12 enters you into the virtual race, with the prize being a trip for four to Orlando (if your duck is the first to cross the finish line you will win...the race will be held on October 9th on Aflac's Swim With Friends Facebook page).

I hope that you all will consider purchasing a duck to help fund Pediatric Cancer Research. $12 is a small starting point and this contest makes it oh so simple to give. We bought our ducky and hope that with enough people our dollars will be helping research. Also, share this post or Facebook and tweet your friends to let them know how to help out. (If you tweet, be sure to use the hashtag #AflacKids as $2 will be donated for every tweet with that hashtag...loop into @AflacDuck)

(This post is sponsored by SheSpeaks and Aflac)

1 comment:

  1. I have been following you for quite a while and praying for Jacob and your family. I am running in a half marathon training raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We are only half way to goal and any help you can give promoting would be great!! I'd also like to include Jacob's name the day I run in some sort of way- still deciding- maybe ribbons or written on me- if that's ok!!
