Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday Morning Cartoons

I think we can all remember zoning out in front of Saturday morning cartoons as a child. It takes on a whole new meaning when you're stuck in the hospital on a Saturday morning - but as a typical six year old (soon to be 7 year old!) Jacob still manages to zone out while watching television here...which is a good thing!
This is day two of a five day stay for chemotherapy. On Tuesday he will have a CT scan to check on the nodules in the lungs (praying, praying, praying that they have disappeared!) and then we should be able to go home! So far so good - no nausea or pain. He had a two bowls of cereal this morning and is already asking for more - that's my boy!


  1. Good to hear he's eating! Nothing better than cartoons to keep the spirits up.

    P.S. Glad to see Yoda being snuggled!

  2. He absolutely loves his blanket!!! Thank you so much! :)

  3. Aww... What a sweetheart! Jacob is always in my prayers! ((hugs))

  4. He looks so sweet. I hope you get those positive results and soon!

  5. Thank you two - he really is such a sweetheart. :) At the hospital he likes to just cuddle with his blankets and watch's great for him to get his mind off of things. We went to the library here and he rented Space Buddies and got a pile of books for his bedtime stories.

  6. We continue to pray daily for Jacob to be healed! What a precious boy!

  7. Praying Daily for good results. Thankful for Cartoons! Just what a young man needs to take his mind off of things! Blessings to you all.
    Carol Ann Singleton

  8. Zach still zones out I like front of the TV or video game when he needs to tune life out. The hospital is where he learned about the TV. Enjoy reading and continued prayers for Jacob and for all of you.

    Angel Karen
