Sunday, April 15, 2012

Round and Round We Go

Same story, different day. For the past two days Jacob has done while during the day, only to have intense cramping and vomiting at night. He continues to have bloody stools (about once a day). The x-ray looked better yesterday so they let him finally eat and drink - he had about 6 oz. of apple juice and a few bites of chicken noodle soup. And then he had cramps and vomiting again all night.

He is sleeping yet as I write this and will be going for an x-ray soon. While the doctors think this (and by "this" I mean that they are still leaning towards telescopic intestines but aren't ruling out an infection yet as they have no conclusive results) is resolving they aren't sure why it's better and then worse at times.

So basically, we know no more then we did on Thursday when we arrived.


  1. How frustrating! Even doctors don't always have the answers it seems. I spent four hours in the ER earlier this week only to be sent home with shrugging shoulders. Nope, no idea why. It really is the practice of medicine I suppose and even more frustrating when it's your baby they are guessing about. Here's to getting results and soon!

  2. Aww...I'm sorry to hear this. :( Your family & especially Jacob are in my prayers.

  3. Prayers that Jacob feels better soon.

  4. We are praying for Jacob here at home as well is our church's prayerchain in NW Iowa.
