Sunday, February 5, 2012

Support a Cause

When Susan G. Komen announced last week that they were no longer supporting Planned Parenthood, the news went wild. They retracted that statement a few days later.

Planned Parenthood had a huge increase in donations due to this news. Planned Parenthood may do some good, such as health screenings, but they don't do anything that most clinics and doctor's offices also do for reduced costs or free (my own doctor office works with a fund which provides free pap smears and mammograms to low income families), and they don't offer mammograms...just make referrals. The bad they do outweighs the good. Unfortunately, all these donations that Planned Parenthood received aren't just going to the health screenings, but will also be used to support abortions. If we want to support women's health, there are much better charities to donate to.

Which is why I made a donation this week to National Right to Life and urge any of you who are pro-life to do the same. I'm hoping that this month the National Right to Life Committee also sees an increase in donations. Or donate to a charity which offers low cost/free health screenings for women in your own area, which does not supply abortions. There are plenty of clinics and organizations that do a world of good in women's health which do not get the national attention they deserve.

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