Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolution Odds & Ends

Day 1 of my slim down went well, except for the handful of almond bark pretzels that I had at the end of the day. Everyone deserves a snack though and with that I still did good - instead of grabbing the two or three handfuls that I typically would have I stuck with the one. That's an improvement! Lunch was a salad with chicken pieces, sliced orange pepper, sunflower seeds, and a vinegar dressing. It was so good I'm craving another, but alas I am out of lettuce until Tuesday when the grocery store is open.

I didn't exercise though. I had intended to walk the dog, but with the 40 mph winds we've had all day and the grey, dreary skies I just wasn't motivated enough to go out in that weather. Tomorrow sounds better so I'll get back to exercising!

In part of saving more money this year I want to implement "no spend days". I'd like at least 10 days each month where we spend zip, zero, zilch. While most times there is only one big grocery shopping day of the week...there are often several times throughout the week that we will pick something up here or something up there. While they are items that we need by going out again and again we are bound to pick up several items each shopping trip that we don't need as well. So, by limiting our shopping days we will be saving money.

In order for this to work I have stuck a list of paper on the fridge and write down each thing that we need when we notice it. I'll take it to the store with me and that way I won't have to run back the next day for toilet paper, or the day after that for a pencil sharpener (seriously, in a house full of pencils we could not find one sharpened one last week after Joe broke our pencil sharpener! Kids and pens just don't work well together!), or the day after that for cheddar cheese which I desperately needed for a recipe. I've noticed the past several months that we have been running to the stores way too often and I want to nip that in the bud.

10 days each month are dedicated to no spending. Hopefully it will end up being more but I'm going to make a conscious effort not to go anywhere that money changes hands at least 10 days out of the month. Wish me luck!


  1. Elizabeth, I don't know if you saw my post on Facebook that I had a heart attack. I had already lost 55 pounds right before the heart attack. Well it took me from Valentines day 2011 till December 20 to lose 45 of those pounds. Since I have been home from the hospital two weeks ago I have lost another 3 pounds. Portion control and NO JUNK FOOD is how you loose weight. I am on a low fat/low sodium diet. It is hard to stay away from junk food. Keep up the good work! Exercise as much as you can. It makes you feel good. Not just loosing weight but your general well being. As far as the money saving, I think that as frugal as I am there is always room to save more. Keep up with the ideas. I love reading them! I am 42 years old and I believe that you can learn something new everyday!

  2. I forgot to publish my name, duh.


  3. So far we have:
    Meatless Mondays
    No spend Sundays
    No drive Sundays

    So to increase the no spend days would be a great idea! I am trying to get my husband to do take the bus Fridays. The bus doesn't go to where I work, so it won't do for me. Is the $3.20 a month cheaper than the gas to get to his job? I need to do the math on that one!
    Keep up the great ideas!

  4. Beth, I'm so sorry - I didn't notice on Facebook anything about your heart attack! :(
    I hope that you are recovering okay.

    I agree, the portion control and junk food is a HUGE part of weight loss, if not the golden ticket to it. I'm doing well (thus far) with the portion control but I'm still craving junk food. This one is going to be a huge thing to overcome.
