Loosing Weight
Saving Money
I feel comfortable where I am at with my budget. I do feel the need to tweak it just a bit in order to put more into savings.
I do hope to lose 10-15 pounds this year (I think 1 lb. a month is a very attainable goal!).
What does this have to do with my blog? The fact that I want to loose weight means that I need to make myself accountable. What is more accountable than posting it on a blog for the world to see? I'll post what works (or doesn't work) for me...starting after the new year.
Since I'm comfortable with our budget I want to help those of you who are not comfortable with yours get comfortable, if that is one of your new years resolutions. While I am not a money expert (though I've always considered college for majoring in financial planning) I may have some hints and tips that may help you. Looking to become a stay at home mom? Needing to save up for an expensive purchase? Want a retirement fund? Hoping to pay off debt this year? I think I can help you with ideas for that!
I will pepper my blog with posts on these topics throughout the coming weeks. If you have a specific question on either weight loss or money management, leave them in the comments and I will answer them in upcoming posts. Otherwise, I'll just fly by the seat of my pants!
If you have different new year's resolutions then the two above, what are you hoping to change this coming year?
Sounds like a great plan to me! I always like hearing others tips for both losing weight and saving money! We're staring the new year by listing every expense for the entire year including all vet costs, pet food, car maintenance etc. No surprised this year.