Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Right now I really dislike:

the creepy crud that is going around our house. Only one child threw up but most everyone else feels nauseous and just not right.

the in between stage of short and long hair. It's too short to do anything with and too long to leave down. Grrrr.

the feeling of being behind on holiday baking, school, and housework. A panicky feeling builds when on is not on top of anything.

the fact that Christmas break will now be used for catching up.


  1. Everyone I've spoken to this year is behind on Christmas. I'm right there with you and them. Next week when we're off it will be Christmas catch up around here as well.

  2. The holidays are not just a good time for baking but they're the best time for baking. Cookies, cakes, and other festive treats fill the house with warmth and mouthwatering aromas. Using coconut oil in this kind of treats. I got this tip from
