Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Counting Down

We have three red and green chains hanging in our house.

Each child made one and claims it as their own.

And every day they tear one link off. Christmas morning their last link will come down.

It's been a tradition that I've carried over from my childhood and every December 1st the kids excitedly ask when we are going to make the chain.

What are some traditions that you have carried over into your own family?


  1. Every Christmas Eve my brothers and I would get to open one gift. That gift was always without fail, pajama's! So now I get my kids pajama's every Christmas Eve! :)

  2. I've heard of that tradition and love it! The new Gymboree elf pjs would be an awesome Christmas Eve gift. My children have soooooo many pjs though so I may have to wait until they are a bit older to implement this idea! :)

  3. We do the jammies on Christmas Eve, though it's not one that my family did when I was a kid - my best friend's family did, and I always thought it was the coolest tradition. :)

  4. I could use a few more family traditions. This is a fun one!
