Monday, November 21, 2011

Not Me! Monday: A Dark Colorful Surprise

I did not recently hear about a fun activity to do for the kids.

I did not fill the bath tub with bubbles and throw a few glow sticks in ( you can get a package of 15 glow sticks for $1 at Michael's).

I did not usher them into the bathroom and tell them to close their eyes while I shut off the lights. They did not open their eyes to have this site before them:

They did not shout with glee and race to see who could get in first.

I did not figure that it was $1 well spent. Nope, not me!


  1. How did you get such great pictures????

  2. This is an AWESOME idea. I am so going to do this with my son. He will LOVE it! Thanks for posting about it.

  3. OOOOOO what not a great idea!! Will not have to try this for my kiddos;-)!! Thanks

  4. Cool idea! Just be careful because the stuff inside the glowsticks is toxic and everytime we have them, at lteast a couple leak.

  5. Thanks for the fun idea! Did this for my 4 and 3 year old last night and they loved it!!!

  6. I did this with my 2 1/2 year old son tonight and he LOVED it. He stayed in the tub for about 45 minutes with the lights off just playing. The glow sticks are now hanging on his crib because he was soooo excited about them :)

    Thanks again for the idea.
