Sunday, October 9, 2011

We're Off...

Jacob received a fun visit last weekend...a visit from his Make A Wish friends!

They brought him surprises, balloons, and all his plans for our Disney World trip! As you read this, we will be in sunny Florida enjoying our time! Highlights of our trip will be posted all week long...if I happen to have time to log on!

It's amazing how tiring it can be getting ready for a trip. I was cleaning, washing load after load of laundry, paying bills ahead of time, and packing all of last week. My sister is holding down the fort at home and taking care of our animals.

And us, well, we will just be having the time of our life! :) More to come later!


  1. Oh have fun!!!! There is another blog I follow and they are there right now too!!! You all deserve to have the times of your lives!

  2. Oh I hope you have a wonderful trip! It will be so much fun for Jacob and you guys too and lots of wonderful memories will be made that week. Can't wait to read all about it. We're still praying for all of you everyday here in Alabama!

  3. SO happy for you guys to have some fun!!Enjoy every minute and I can't wait to see pictures and stories of your fun!!
