Monday, September 5, 2011

Weekend Project

This morning I feel as though I was run over by a Mack truck. Or any other type of truck, for that matter. Why? Because I spent the weekend working on a spur of the moment home improvement project.

Upon waking up this weekend, I told myself that I hated the carpet in the living room and that it must go. Today. When we bought this house five years ago that carpet was old but in good shape. Or so I thought. Apparently, the padding underneath was fairly dirty since even a spilled glass of water that was immediately cleaned up would make a dark stain magically appear. We also have children and pets and those do not bode very well for a house filled with carpeting. Carpet in the bedrooms is lovely, carpet in the high traffic areas is a recipe for disaster. I was tired of a stained stinky carpet that even my deep clean carpet cleaner couldn't save.

Ben and I set to work tearing out the carpet and I spent three hours pulling nails and staples and cleaning the floor while he took the kids away for awhile. The thing about this house, and several houses on this street, is that the floors are in pretty good shape for being so old, but no one finished the middle of the floor. We found this in the dining room and again in the living room; there is a huge square in the middle that was never finished. That, my friends, is what a large area rug is for. :)

It's a drastic difference to get rid of the carpeting and throw a rug down. It's a very inexpensive project as well. All I need now are some new throw pillows, a few wicker baskets, and a nice throw for the couch and my room project will be complete. You know me though, I'll be waiting until I find those on sale.

If only I could say that my work is complete, but we have to do this all over again in the adjoining office room to complete the look. Makes me tired just thinking about it!

1 comment:

  1. It looks wonderful! I love the colours on the throw rug!! :) Well done!
