Monday, September 19, 2011

Not Me! Monday

On Saturday I did not get annoyed by three whiny kids and decide to run away and go shopping without them. It wasn't me who called my sister and told her we were going to escape have a fun afternoon shopping.

I did not demand that my husband take the kids somewhere fun on Saturday to relieve my guilt at having left everyone on a family day in order to get away from them get out of the house. While being highly annoyed with every antic that every. single. person. in my house displayed I did not still have mommy guilt in needing a few quiet hours alone. That would be a first sign of insanity, wouldn't it?!

I did not enjoy my shopping trip immensely (though besides the usual groceries the only extras I ended up buying was a pair of sunglasses and several books at Half Price Books). I did not top off the night with a Pumpkin Spice Frappacino from Starbucks after hearing another blogger rave about them. I certainly have never not had a frappacino before...and I surely never not knew what a frappacino was before ordering only to find a cold drink (*fanning all the coffee addicts out of their deep faint*). And it wasn't me who could count on one hand (and only get half way) how many times I have ordered at Starbucks.

With a week of cold temperatures I have not become tempted to turn the heat on once or twice. Doing so in September doesn't seem the least bit early.
I have not been a bit depressed knowing that the long dark cold months will be upon us soon. I have especially not been a bit sentimental when looking through my photos and finding all the bright cheerful warm photos reminding me of happy summer days. Nope, not me at all!


  1. Oh, I have found myself running away a time or two. Sometimes mommies just need a little break. I am glad you had a refreshing time away and treated yourself to a yummy drink from Starbucks!

  2. Oh, I hear you about the winter.
    I try to concentrate first on Christmas and then on my tax refund check!!! lol
