Monday, July 11, 2011

Prize Time

Jacob should be discharged in a few hours and we can then leave all the 4 day hospital stays behind us! He is receiving blood and hydration right now; this is the first time after receiving this cocktail that he has not needed an automatic blood transfusion on discharge day. But because his Hemoglobin is hovering just above the transfusion number (his is at 8.2 right now, they typically transfuse when it hits under 8, though it isn't "automatic" unless it is 7 or under) they decided to just go ahead and transfuse him to boost his numbers so that hopefully we won't have to return to the hospital later this week as his numbers start to drop. Once that is finished we will be heading for home.

Jacob just had a blast playing TV Bingo with the Child Life workers here. They are on the tv and Jacob fills in his Bingo card and calls on the phone if he gets Bingo. He won one trivia question, "What dance can be done on a trampoline" by answering "Bunny Hop". While the real answer was "Hip Hop" they gave him the prize because it was a good answer too! He then won on the Bingo Blackout game and when I wondered aloud what the prize was he said "To get to go home early!" It was a funny and sad answer at the same time - but no worries since we will be out of here in a few hours and won't have to return for another three weeks.

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