Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cancer and Clutter Update

This week has been a fairly normal one. Since Jacob has had an extra week without chemo (since his platelets were too low last week) he has gained a bit more energy and is feeling more like himself this week. We are heading off soon to get his labs and will wait to see if everything is high enough for a 4 day hospital stay this weekend. If so, this will be the last 4 day stay on our schedule! Yay! Just a few more rounds of chemo and he will be finished...I'm anxious to get it all behind us!

This week I have been preparing for a garage sale that my mom will be having towards the end of the month. Just last night I was able to fill a box with shoes and toys - proving that we have too much of both! We dropped a garbage bag full of donation off yesterday. I have packed several boxes for ThredUp this week and have already mailed several out. It helps that they now have a new program for the top 500 threaders where you get paid $15 per box that you send out and get a 3/4 star review on. That extra money would come in handy so I've been packing as many boxes as possible since the program may last only a few weeks. It's an incentive to clear things out, that's for sure! How has your clutter control been going?


  1. i finally got rid of clothes that don't fit me and a pile of books that i already read

  2. That is awesome that this is Jacob's last 4 day stay!! My decluttering is going not fast but going. :)
