Friday, June 17, 2011

Clutter Countdown

I haven't been updating you enough about my clutter control but I have been doing a good job behind the scenes! Last week I brought a box of books to my aunt's consignment shop and donated a bag of items to our local charity shop. This week I brought half a box of items to my aunt's consignment shop and have a bag about ready to go to the charity shop, which I hope to finish filling up today before dropping it off while running errands.

How is your clutter busting going?

By the way, a fun giveaway will be posted this weekend!


  1. We have two huge garbage bags to go to the charity shop this morning. I also have a box of items to give away on this week. Hooray for clearing things out.

  2. I have started a pile of clothes to giveaway. I also have a pile of c.d.'s to donate. I put a red hangar in my closet. Anytime I wear an item, I hang it up to the right of the hangar. Anything on the left will be donated.

  3. Way to go, ladies! Martha, how long are you going to wait until you donate everything left of the red hanger?! Great idea!
