Saturday, May 7, 2011

What A Week!

What a busy and full week it has been! It started a week ago when our town had their city wide garage sales. Ben was home on Friday due to him working the weekend instead so I was able to go to the sales with my sister, sans children! It was wonderful to be able to stop at each sale and not drag children in and out of car seats.

It would have been the perfect day...except I came home to find our outdoor cat acting funny. His tongue was sticking out and he seemed very unresponsive. I took him to the vet and it turns out it was a jaw infection, maybe caused by a tooth or object or a fight with another animal. I have been dutifully giving him his antibiotics twice a day and he has improved. The first couple days had me worried as he wouldn't eat and barely seemed aware of us when we were around him. Now he is back to his normal self and wanting to go outside again.

Then Monday we took our trip to Galena. Thursday was our actual anniversary and we stayed home and watched a movie and snacked on lots of yummy foods.

Yesterday Jacob's Hemoglobin dropped to 6.9 so off to the hospital we went for another blood transfusion. He had been complaining of a headache the night before and feeling a bit dizzy so I knew to expect that. Ben was able to get off work at noon to watch the other two kids and Jacob and I left then and didn't arrive home until close to 8pm. He is feeling good this morning so that did the trick.

He is still receiving the G-CSF shots as his ANC count is only at 1,200 and it needs to be 2,000 before we stop the shots. It's taking longer and longer to build those counts back up each time but it is especially bad when he gets the Carboplatin, which really makes them drop. Only two more times of that drug!

We go back to the hospital on Friday (yep, the 13th!) for another 4 day hospital stay. He meets with the radiologist that day too for a quick checkup and is also having another CT scan. Please pray for some more good results to be shown. These tests are nerve wracking!

It looks like we will be spending the day outside. We are finally getting a stretch of nice weather. I have my windows open and will be hanging up some laundry and bedding soon. Hope you all are enjoying a nice day as well.

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying for good test results, and a better hospital stay for you guys! Enjoy the warmth of the sun and fresh bedding on the clothes line is always wonderful to lay on!! Have a great weekend yourself!
