Friday, May 13, 2011

Long Day!

We are not at the hospital for the weekend. Yesterday I was informed that Jacob's platelets were too low to start chemo so the four day stay was pushed back to next weekend.

We did end up going to the hospital today anyhow as the CT was scheduled, as well as the checkup with the radiologist. Jacob did good for the CT scan (though it took him 2 hours and three flavors to get enough of the contrast into him as he just wasn't feeling the flavors today). The radiologist appointment went well and he said that the initial reports of the CT scan looked good. When pressed he said that the tumor in the back looks like it has shrunk a lot, which means that there is still a tumor there (in the lungs), from my understanding. :( I never got the full report of the last scan from the doctor or had a sit down with him about it and from that report it had made it sound like the tumors were all but gone. I'm just reminding myself that the radiologist made it sound like it is a good report, so we must be making some sort of progress, even if it isn't fast enough for my liking.

I will know more when the full report comes back, probably on Monday, when I can talk to our Oncologist. I'm thinking that this weekend may seem like a LONG one!


  1. I would like to give blood in honor of Jacob, he will get a credit on his end for when it's needed. I would need your last name, and the name of the hospital he's being treated. If that's too weird for you I understand, I would just like to help. My nephew had leukemia as a baby and so many people gave blood for him that they never had to pay for his transfusions. It's not much, but every little bit does help!

  2. Nutty Mom-
    I really appreciate the offer and no, it isn't too weird for me, but I am careful to not give out certain information over the internet. Luckily, our insurance covers the full blood transfusions. I really do appreciate the offer though and if someone else is reading this who does need transfusions and would like you to donate in their honor I can forward that info to Nutty Mom for you.

  3. I am praying for great results! Jill

  4. Praying for answers, praying for healing.
