Monday, April 11, 2011

Welcome, Sunshine!

We had beautiful weather this past weekend (I won't even complain that Sunday was a bit on the humid side). We spent much of our time outside soaking in the rays, cleaning up the yard, hanging clothes on the line, and just being one with nature.

When I wasn't outside I was inside enjoying the breeze wafting in through the open windows, getting some spring cleaning done, pricing boxes of things for our spring garage sale, and filling up several more boxes of things that I will need to price today. I am sick of tired of cleaning up little pieces of clutter ALL DAY LONG and am filling boxes to get rid of it all. I have nine big boxes of things already and hope to fill a couple more before Thursday. I am also hoping that the weather doesn't turn out to be as bad as it sounds like it will be. Keeping my fingers crossed because our sales are more of a yard sale so if it rains we don't open.
Jacob is doing good. On Friday he reached the HALF WAY POINT! 10 chemo treatments down, 10 more to go! It was a milestone to be sure so I let him choose what he wanted for supper and he chose KFC, which he happily munched on when we arrived home from a long day at the hospital. We had went in for Vincristine (which is administered in less than a minute, though the doctor checks and blood draws make it take about an hour or two) but he needed a blood transfusion due to low Hemoglobin levels (this was the sixth transfusion for him) so we were there for another six hours. Yep, all of the kids were along again this time. Luckily, I had brought my 14 year old sister along so she was able to keep Becca and Joe somewhat entertained. I think I've finally learned to totally accept the unexpected at the hospital on these "short" visits and will try not to bring the other two along with us from now on because it makes the trip just a tad bit more stressful than it needs to be.
Besides the lower Hemoglobin levels Jacob is doing well. His energy is less but he still feels good, which is what really matters. Let's hope that the next ten treatments treat him as kindly.
I've started to work in my garden but am disappointed that something has already dug large holes where we planted the radish seeds. I need to replant and hope that whatever it is leaves it alone this time. My rhubarb grows bigger by the day and I see some of my flowers peeking their heads above ground, specifically the peonies. Robins abound throughout our yard so it is a sure sign that spring has arrived, even though our temperatures are expected to drop back into the low 40's by the end of the week (another sign of a not so good day for our upcoming garage sale).
In other words, life goes on despite cancer. I'm not going to lie and say that sometimes we forget about cancer, because we don't. Whether we want it there or not, it is always at the forefront of our thoughts. There is still fear and sadness. Often times I find myself just staring at Jacob - whether he is at play, sitting on the couch, asleep, or getting a procedure done and I feel my heart breaking into a million pieces all over again. The good thing is that there are still moments of joy in between those times that mend my heart back together again. Those are the moments I savor.


  1. you live near me? Because it was great HERE all weekend, and YES, Sunday was humid. Dare I say Axel and I were HOT on our walk through a local park preserve? LOL

  2. Leah...nope, don't live that close to you...but you are getting warmer. :) Glad you enjoyed the nice weather this weekend too.

  3. Another excellent post. I'm amazed you find the energy for gardening what with everything else but it's great. Gardening, just being outside is therapeutic.
