Monday, April 4, 2011


Jacob has two Chemo Angels. His weeks are brightened by notes and little much so that he now asks when the mail will arrive and if he received anything. It just so happens that the packages often arrive on a day when he is in the hospital receiving treatments so he often arrives home to a gift waiting for him.

On Saturday he arrived home to a package from his Angel Jackie as well as a box of seashells from his Angel Beth, who picked them up along with her children on a family vacation to the beach. Her daughter also spelled Jacob's name out in the sand with seashells and they sent those pictures along.
It was such a neat idea and made him feel special, knowing that his name was spelled out somewhere in Florida.


  1. just wanted to let you know i'm still reading and still praying for jacob and your family

  2. That is such a sweet group. I am glad Jacob has angels to look out for him. :)
