February 17th
I know that most of my readers are not from my area (the majority probably don't even know where I'm from since I've never officially disclosed that information for privacy sake). But for those of you who are in this area, I want to invite you to a benefit that Ben's co-workers are holding for Jacob on February 17th, 4:30-7:30pm at the St. Mary's Parish Hall. Soup Supper (free will donation) and private auction.
It's amazing how much work so many people have put in for this benefit and all the donations it has received for the silent auction from local businesses and area residents. We are overwhelmed by all the help that has been shown to us and completely humbled.
I'll post some photos of the event afterwards. If you have any questions about it, feel free to e-mail at babys_mama1@yahoo.com
How neat that they are organizing a fundraiser for ya'll! I look forward to hearing about how it goes!