Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Yesterday Jacob had his second round of chemo. It was just one drug so we were able to be out-patient. This drug does not cause nausea so no problems there...though it can mess with the nerves so there is a lot that we need to watch out for. His white blood counts were way down but this is to be expected one week after receiving chemo...they should start to go up in a few days.

Today we head to radiation; it will be the last one of the lungs. The next three radiation appointments will be just of his abdomen. He has been doing so well on the radiation table and holding as still as possible for a 5 year old boy. I can't tell him enough how proud I am.

I better go get us ready for our appointment. Will write more later.


  1. I have been checking often for updates on how your little guy is doing. I had read your blog a bit before his diagnosis and it is still mind boggling to me how much your life has changed so quickly, I'm sure you feel that way times a thousand.

    I'm glad Jacob is being so strong and hope you are hanging in there ok too.

  2. Really glad to here that Jacob is doing so well. What a trooper! Sending love and blessings! Amy

  3. Elizabeth:

    You "sound" better. My 18 year old son has been following your blog and he prays for Jacob every day. He has been so touched by your story.

    Jacob is a very brave boy. I'm glad that the radiation treatments are going well.

  4. I hope it went well. Jacob continues to be in my prayers.
