Monday, January 24, 2011

This and That

Alternately titled: "In Which I Don't Mention the "C" Word Once!"

We awoke to more snow flurries this morning. January has so far proven to be a cold and snowy month. As a matter of fact, this weekend we had an overnight low of 23 degrees below zero. That was the actual air temperature, not the windchill! Brr!

The kids have been busy watching their two "pets" recently. Jacob received a frog habitat as a gift and instead of waiting for the tadpoles to be ordered and sent by mail (since they don't ship out until the weather warms) we decided to go to the pet store and pick up two Fire Belly Toads. Their food, live crickets, fascinate the kids almost as much as the frogs themselves do. I have the fun job of feeding the frogs as the kids do not want to get anywhere near the crickets!

I had to call the bank this morning and cancel our debit cards and get new ones reissued as I misplaced mine over a week ago and can not find it anywhere! Actually, Joe is the one who misplaced it and for the life of me, I can't figure out where he put it. Knowing Murphy's Law, and how it works in our life, I know that I will find it the very day that our new cards arrive. This has happened several when we lost the Curious George DVD from the library and looked high and low for it. After buying a new one to replace it, we found the library copy in a "Good Times" DVD case here at home...the one case I didn't check in after looking through all the other DVD cases.

Our dog, Weezy, gets dropped off at the vet's office this evening so that she can be spayed tomorrow. Our van gets picked up tomorrow for repairs, for the brakes are rubbing and oil seems to be leaking from somewhere.

My nervous energy is still working to my advantage, helping me get a lot done around here. I've been filling up bags for Goodwill, boxing up things for my mom's spring garage sale, and throwing a lot away. Guess I'm getting my spring cleaning started a little early.

What have you been up to lately?


  1. We got our boys one of those frog kits for Christmas in 2009. Our frog is now a year old and doing great. We live in Maine, so had to wait to order our froglet until spring. It was a very cool thing to watch. I'm sure your kids will love it.
    Still praying for your family.

  2. How fun ! Amazing how a from can capture the childrens attention. My granddaughter has a turtle she just loves. You go girl! Spring cleaning in January...I have been doing the same. The long cold days of winter drive me buggy, so sort,pitch,repurpose,donate and downsize is my mission. Take care and God bless you all !!! Hugs, Kristy

  3. So glad to hear that you are staying busy. I believe work is good for the soul. Have been busy here as well. In trying to help my youngest daughter and really the whole family, we are starting a grain-free and sugar-free diet with only specific carbs. on Feb. 1st. Trying to use up some things that are not going to be allowed and straightening up freezers and cupboards this week. It is going to be a challenge but feels good to get things organized in the kitchen/pantry arena.
