Monday, January 31, 2011

Music to My Ears

On Saturday we went to the library here in the hospital. This hospital is so large it is like it's own could literally live here and never have to leave. There is a library, book store, gift shop, cafeterias, mailboxes, and more. It is so giant that you have to walk miles each day to get where you are going. I don't see any overweight workers here, probably due to all the walking that is involved in working at a place as large as this.

I can only say that I am thrilled that there is a library here. Jacob looks forward every day to being pushed in the wheelchair to the library. I get a workout pushing the wheelchair and pulling the iv pole alongside. He picks out a pile of books and some movies to bring back to our room everyday. If there wasn't a library how much duller life would be here. As a matter of fact, I rent this laptop out from the library as well, otherwise there wouldn't be a blog life while I was here either.

On Saturday we strolled to the library and Jacob plopped down on a chair and started to browse through books. I rested in a chair, closing my eyes and trying to doze. That's when I heard it. Giggling. Hysterical giggling. I watched Jacob to see what he was doing. He was hunched over a book on the floor, giggling at what he was seeing. I asked him what was so funny and he held up the book "Curious George Goes to the Hospital". Every time he started to tell me what was so funny he burst into a fit of giggles. He pointed to a picture on a page and continued to laugh.

He was laughing at a picture of a nurse giving Curious George a shot and the look of pure terror on George's face. I have to admit, the drawing was hilarious and we both giggled at it. This is an older book, with the older illustrations of Curious George, not the "new and improved George". I think that had something to do with it being even funnier.

We checked it out and brought it back to the room. We looked through the book several times. Only later, when I was getting ready to read it to him, did I realize that the book was in Spanish. Sunday we went back and got the English version of it.

Despite all Jacob has been through, he is relatively still that happy little boy. How my soul soared to be reminded of it though, it was music to my ears.


  1. That is so sweet and amazing that a book would touch him like that. I am sure that he related well to the "hospital" book with Curious George and Im thankful that there are books that children can relate to in all situations. Thankful that you (as a mommy) got to hear that giggle that is music to all mommy's ears :) Have a blessed day.

  2. Isn't God good that in the midst of trouble and stress He still makes sure we hear and enjoy giggles.

    Prayers are with you here in Australia.

  3. I love those books myself. I'm glad he is finding some joy - and that you are as well!

  4. I am so glad he is still able to find happiness in the little things. Thankful that the hospital has a library and a laptop for Mom!

  5. It is so awesome that they have a library in the hospital! I've never heard of that before! What a great distraction for both the patient and his Momma!

  6. This is a great thread to your blog, Beth!! It definitely made me smile. I love Curious George too.....does Jacob have a stuffed George? If not, let me know and I'll check at Kohl's...they often have stuffed animals to match the children's book they are currently featuring. They've had The Very Hungry Catepillar, Cat in the Hat, Pooh, etc. jacki
