Thursday, January 20, 2011

Missing Persons

I'm sure you have been noticing the lack of photos on my blog as of late. When my computer crashed in December I lost all my photos (I am kicking myself...and still hoping that my brother can find a way to recover them from the hard drive).

My aunt gave me an awesome Apple computer a few weeks ago so I'm back to owning my own computer. The computer does not recognize my camera though, so until my brother can come over and find the correct software for it I am unable to download my pictures from my camera to the computer.

I'm missing my posts with photos probably more than you are. I just had to steal one of my favorite photos of Jacob from an old blog post and re- post it.

He may be missing his hair now (yes, we finally went ahead and sheared it short) but he still has this megawatt smile!


  1. Great picture. He really does have a megawatt smile :) Hope things are going as well as they can :)

  2. Aww. Still praying.

  3. A simple suggestion that might work - you can purchase a memory card reader (got mine at Target for under $10) that will plug into a USB port on your computer and will allow you to download your pictures without problem! (My sister has a mac laptop & this is what we have found works best! :)

  4. Oh my ! I had that happen as well but thankfully I wasn't smart enough to hit the delete after download button , so I still had all of mine on my phone and camera. I pray they figure it our for you Elizabeth. So love seeing the faces of your precious babies. Hugs to you and still praying in Kansas... Kristy

  5. Handsome little guy... Praying for you all and Jacob from New York. I put his picture on my desktop as a reminder to keep you all in prayer daily.


  6. Definitely get a memory card reader! Walmart has them as well.
    Jacob has beautiful eyes! :)
