Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stocking Up

I've made it my goal to pick up the loss leader items at the grocery store each week and to stock up on them whenever possible (often times when a price is really good there will be a limit on the number of items you can purchase).

Yesterday was the beginning of a two day sale at our local grocery store. After running some errands I stopped in to take advantage of the sale. I was able to get this:

for $34.04. The potatoes were on sale for 68 cents for a 5 lb. bag so I purchased 2 (the limit). The cream of mushroom/chicken was on sale for 50 cents so I purchased 4 (again, the limit). The 93% ground beef was on sale for $1.88 lb. when purchased in a 10 lb. tube. I paid $18.10 for that and divided them up into ziplock bags to go into the freezer. The sugar was on sale for 97 cents for a 5 lb. bag so I got the limit of 1. I also found large specialty salads that are usually marked $4.99 for 99 cents each and bought the last two. Along with some ziplock bags, chips, bologna, and three little treats for the kids.

I will continue to stock up on the loss leaders each week and am trying to keep a fully stocked pantry.

I have to go back to the grocery store as my in-laws are arriving later today from out of state to visit a few days so I need to stock up on groceries. I hope to grab a few more bags of potatoes and another bag of sugar while I am there.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth:

    I went to the same "customer appreciation" sale yesterday. Even though there were limits to what they would let you have, it was still good to get a few bargains.
