Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Right Now...

...the two oldest are at Tae Kwon Do with daddy and Joe is watching Curious George. I should be cooking supper right now but we had such a late snack today that I'm not hungry and therefore sitting at the computer instead.

...I'm freezing. I keep turning the heat up but still don't feel warm. It's technically been warmer than average the past few days but I have felt colder than average.

...I'm probably feeling cold because I've been feeling sick the past several days. Something has been going around town (and the extended family). The sore throat is a pain (literally!) but it is the extreme tiredness that is hard to deal with. Hence my lack of blog action as of late.

...my house is in one of the worst states it has ever been in and I have just a few days to prepare for a visit from the in-laws. I did get all the clean laundry put away today, isn't that enough?! :)


  1. Be easy on yourself, Elizabeth. You have just had a major loss and you have been sick. Take care of yourself first. Blessings to you.

  2. Working on a letter to you right now! I'm sure that your company will be understanding if the house is a little messy, considering all that has been going on in your life lately. Don't push yourself too hard! :) You already are ahead of me, as I didn't get my clean laundry put away today!

  3. Take a break when you can. I have been stressing less over whether the floors are mopped and what is for dinenr lately. My husband asked me the other night if I even cook dinner anymore.
