Monday, October 18, 2010

Life As We Know It

Another week (of perfect weather, I might add) has come and gone in a blur.

Today we spent much of the afternoon at the pumpkin patch with our homeschool group. Playing on the tire swings, climbing through hay bale mazes, going up and down the slides, and touring the actual pumpkin patch can wear one out...whether they are the ones to do it or just watching someone do those things!

I spent this past weekend getting the garden beds ready for winter. The only plants that I left in the ground are the bell peppers as they are still producing. Everything else was pulled up and composted. It's sad to see the garden come to an end but a relief to be done (for the most part) with weeding.

In the past week I have seen the good in some people and the bad that lurks in others. It makes one realize how good this world truly good be, but see why it isn't. The good has come from a stranger who has given from her heart expecting nothing back in return except to see the happiness that her good deeds can bring. The bad comes from a person who makes it completely clear in her words and facial expressions that free thought and parental decisions would be illegal if she had it her way. Either way, it brings enlightenment into my world.

We were able to get our family portraits done yesterday. It is amazing how hard it is to photograph three children at the same time! I've been reviewing the CD of photos this evening and now need to choose my favorite ones! This will be hard...but fun!

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