Tuesday, September 21, 2010


No, I'm not saying that I'm mindless, though some of you may beg to differ (in which case, why are you reading my blog?! :).

I'm talking about mindless eating. I was doing so much better with my eating recently. I have had more energy and was not beat by the end of the day. Actually, for the first time in a long while I have not felt like plopping into bed by 10pm and have been staying up to midnight lately. Because I had the increased energy. I didn't even have to drag myself out of bed in the mornings, even with the late night hours.

And then Sunday happened. This past weekend was one of those terrible gloomy ones. Rainy, gray, and chilly meant that we were stuck inside most of the weekend. My husband did take the kids out on Saturday to a park in between the rain and got them to spend a little of their energy while I stayed home and got a bunch done. But besides that productive few hours the rest of the weekend bombed. It was the type of weekend you just want to sleep away.

I was grouchy, grumpy and tired. I did stay on track until Sunday afternoon. My husband wanted to rent a movie for the kids so headed off to Walmart to the Redbox kiosk. Stupid, dummy me told him to pick up some Chex Mix and something chocolate for snacking on during the movie. That's exactly what we did...snacked, and snacked, and snacked. Mindless eating is my destruction. My kryptonite. Well, mindless eating and candy corn.

I'm not beating myself up over the slip up. I've seen the light and what mindful eating can do to benefit the body. I just needed that reminder to keep on keepin' on. The results are so worth it.

On a side note, since I'm unable to rejoin TOPS right now due to having to be too many places on Tuesday nights I have decided that I have to buy a scale. While I initially said that I didn't want to focus on the weight or the numbers I realize that I need to see some progress. My increased energy is visible to me but I need to see more, so off to the store I will go this week for a scale.

Tell me, please, what your kryptonite is.

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