Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Odds and Ends

I was planning on a post about my salmon patties (yum!) but my batteries in the camera are dead and the tomatoes on the counter were looking almost too ripe so we opted to have tacos instead. This is my food challenge month, after all, but I've been slacking on the recipe posts lately. Don't despair, my budget challenge next month will also include several more recipes. My salmon patty recipe will be sometime this week.

Add to my weekly food budget challenge $3 for a gallon of milk yesterday. Then add another $3 for a gallon of milk today. Because sometimes multi-tasking just doesn't pay off! We took a wonderful family bike ride yesterday and decided to go for some slushies/ice cold sodas (some had slushies, some had soda) afterwards. We picked up a gallon of milk at the same time but then got to driving around town and checking out the sites (read below to learn why) and once we got home we all left the van...leaving our poor milk behind. No one noticed until this morning when we went to make cereal. I'm guessing the milk would be more of a cottage cheese constancy now, though I'm not asking hubby if there were lumps in the sink as he poured it down the drain!

Add another $3 for more sweet corn. We found a little sweet corn stand off the beaten path and though the ears are tiny they were delicious! Best sweet corn of the season...you can be guaranteed that I will be back for more!

Why were we driving around checking out the sites yesterday? Unfortunately, with all the rain we have been having (some spots around us saw more than 11 inches in 24 hours) our town had major flooding issues. In fact, it reached the highest crest that has ever been on record.

While the picture above may not look too impressive, you must realize that that small "dip" is typically a 15 (or more?!) foot drop. The river swelled so much that there was no longer a waterfall at all.
This is just part of the downtown area. Many businesses were filled with water, and many had windows burst out or the whole sides of the buildings torn off. Not only was the water high, but the current was swift. Homes have been flooded and even in neighborhoods that saw no standing water, there were basements that couldn't keep out the water from the soaked ground. We were lucky that our 120 year old rock foundation was solid enough to keep the water out. Which is a great metaphor...

What's worse is that some areas in surrounding towns were completely flooded out and people we know had their houses hit so bad that they may not be repairable. Luckily, the most important thing is that as far as I have heard no lives have been lost due to the flood.

Seeing such devastation makes one feel helpless. Donations to the Red Cross or food pantry can help some families get back on their feet. Which reminds me of a challenge that is going on at The Path to Frugality. Martha writes " My challenge for the month of August for myself and for anyone else is to donate 10% of what money you spend on groceries to a food pantry or a charity that directly helps the poor. For many of us that amount would range from $25 to $40." I think that this is a wonderful challenge and I intend to do this. A charity that I fully support is Food For the Poor and I will be sending extra in September when I add up the 10% costs of our food for August. I urge you all to join in this worthy challenge!

(Photo credits: Daniel Kenyon)


  1. Did you know you can use off milk in recipes - like making English scones. And replace it for any that use buttermilk. Even when it had got to the separated and lumpy stage!

  2. Elizabeth,

    Thank you for promoting Food For The Poor on your blog! We really appreciate your support.

    FFP Web dept.

  3. Oh, Elizabeth, we live in "Osky" and we have read and seen on t.v. all of the flooding that has taken place in your area. I can't imagine the feelings that those affected are going through. Thank you for mentioning the Charity Challenge. It makes all of us take a step back and take stock of our lives when we see others suffering.


  4. Now that you mention it, Deb, I suppose I have read that you can use spoiled milk for recipes. Honestly though, the spell is a real turn off for me! I will use milk that's been in the fridge a little too long for cooking or baking needs...but one that has set in a hot vehicle for 15+ hours...doesn't sound too appealing to me! Does anyone else do this?

  5. I don't think that it is safe to consume milk that has spoiled at room temperature, let alone sitting inside of a hot vehicle that long. If it goes past date in the fridge, then that is fine. I use milk that is a bit "off" (sour) with a dash of vinegar to make buttermilk pancakes! :)
