Monday, July 5, 2010

Not Me! Monday

(Curious about my $400 grocery challenge? Continue to next post, please!)

I did not forget all about Not Me Monday and then have to rush about getting a post all ready after I posted my link on mycharmingkids! Nope, not me!

We did not stay home yesterday, on the 4th of July, because I didn't like the gray skies and just knew that it was going to rain. I was not actually relieved that it did rain so that I could say "See, we wouldn't have had any fun at Grandma's house being stuck inside anyway". I was not tired and just too lazy to attempt to follow my energizer baby around my Grandma's house where he gets into everything.

Speaking of my Grandma's house, I have not been up to visit her just once this whole year because my 2 year old is a complete terror at her house...touching, touching, touching everything. I wouldn't stay away from my Grandma's house just for that reason...not me!

I did not stand in the pouring rain this morning with three kiddos waiting for my aunt's consignment shop to open for the big 25 cent sale (everything in the store was 25 cents in preparation of cleaning out the store for all new fall inventory next week!). We did not get there just 5 minutes to opening where there was hoards of people waiting outside the store. I did not try to squeeze under the awning with the kids to get out of the rain, only managing a spot right near the gutter spigot where the rain hit the sidewalk and bounced back onto us.

I was not overjoyed when they announced that instead it was $2 a bag full! I did not try to hang onto my crazy 2 year old (who only wanted Grandma...who couldn't hold him due to the fact that she was working there today and was a tad bit busy) and try to shop...while getting surrounded by a stampede of people. I did not watch as people grabbed awesome stuff around me while I stood there in a daze - nope, not me!! Luckily, I managed to grab one garbage bag full of stuff which I have laying on my living room floor waiting for me to sort through.

1 comment:

  1. .25 sale!!! wow! I would have stood in the rain too!
