Friday, July 9, 2010

Frugal Quick Tip for Frugal Mamas

If you love BabyLegs you will want to jump over to their site today. They are having a special on the three packages of boys BabyLegs pictured above for just $10 total (free shipping!), that's a $36 value! Sorry, the girls are all sold out. While I've never tried BabyLegs and think my two year old would pull them off, I have heard others who layer them under t-shirts for their older kids which sounds like a neat idea.

What I am excited about is that they have several packages of socks on sale, usually $10 each for just $2 with free shipping. Use the code 247MOMS at checkout and receive 20% off. I bought 5 packages of socks for Joe (10 pairs total) and paid just $8 in the end! Click here to go to their sale page.


  1. thanks for this great tip! You always find such good deals. Just ordered 8 pairs of socks and an adorable pair of Union Jack leg warmers for shipping and only $8 for all of that?!? :)

  2. Dee, so glad you were able to find some useful items! Let me know how you like the BabyLegs leg warmers, I've always been curious about them!

  3. I definately will! :) I just wish they had the girls stuff on sale! I would love to get some good deals on leg warmers for Emma, to go under her dresses this winter. Let me know if you hear of any more sales!
