Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 1 of $400 Grocery Challenge

Welcome to the first day of the July $400 grocery challenge!

What does this challenge mean? This is not a challenge to get my grocery bill below $400 as that would be an easy task since I typically spend just $75 a week on groceries as it is. I actually added $25 a week to the budget because my real goal for the month is to spend $400 or less on healthy foods. We've all heard how it's just too expensive to eat organic, or to shop mainly in the produce department, or to buy all healthy foods. It may be more expensive (hence the added $25 weekly to the budget) but I'm hoping to prove that it isn't too expensive.

It won't be mainly organic. Little treats will still be thrown in the cart. There may be some boxed items or processed foods. But it is a mission to gradually change our diet and my shopping trips and July will be the first month in which to start. Note the key word: gradually. I haven't joined a food co-op yet or have stockpiles in the freezer, so this is all starting from scratch.

I will post my menus for the week. I will post my shopping receipts and hopefully pictures of what I buy at the store and note how much I spent. I will post healthy recipes and reviews on healthy products that I have tried and loved. This is just as much a diet revolution as it is a $400 grocery challenge. More fruits and vegetables. More raw foods. Less meat and a lot less processed. Tips will be shared and I hope to learn as much from you readers as you may possibly learn from me.

I hope that several of you will decide to join me (remember the your number doesn't have to be $400, you decide what the right number is for your family). Every Friday you will get the chance to check in with your tally and link to your blogs, if you so choose to blog about your progress. If you care to have a the button above on your blog, e-mail me and I'll send you the html code for it.

Who's with me?!

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