Monday, June 7, 2010

Who's The Frugal Zealot?

Often times when I mention to people that I am trying to live a frugal life, or especially when mentioning my $1,200 budget challenge, I get told that I just have to read The Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn. These books (there are three in total, though I recommend buying "The Complete Tightwad Gazette" which is all three books in one) have been on my bookshelf for years. As a matter of fact, my mother, who is a coupon queen, was profiled in one of these books; I'll have to look the exact page number up sometime soon for you all.

The Tightwad Gazette is a wealth of information. Some of it is common sense type stuff and others are things you wouldn't even have thought of (reusing vacuum cleaner bags? reusing calendars?). Amy also breaks down the cost of each idea to let you know how much you are saving. I doubt that anyone goes by all the ideas in the book but anyone, even those who consider themselves frugal, will learn some new ideas from this book.

I go through my copies several times a year and the pages are worn and dog eared because of it. I'm sure that almost all of you have heard of Amy and The Tightwad Gazette but just in case you haven't I see that you can get the complete book on Amazon for $15.61. Just one of the ideas in the book will recoup that cost right away. I don't recommend books unless they are ones that I love and use and this is one of my favorites. By purchasing the book through the link below I will get a small percentage of the proceeds, thus supporting this blog.

What is your favorite frugal book and why?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Tightwad Gazette! I got it off of Amazon (USED, of course, lol). It is so wonderful.

    Another book that I just read that could possibly fit in the 'frugal' section is 'Letting Go of Clutter' by Harriet Schechter. Ok, it's a stretch, but the thing is, I am a Goodwill Hunter, a Garage Sale Huntress, a Dumpster Diving Diva. I have spent no telling how much on stuff that I DON'T NEED. Even if it's $20 bucks a month, it's still money wasted (we are currently paying off our debts).

    I read this book and it was like a slap in the face. I saw myself in the first 2 sentences. I just had a garage sale this weekend and was disgusted by all of my STUFF. Lol. So, for me, by not buying 'stuff', it's a really frugal move!
