Monday, June 21, 2010

Not Me! Monday

(Looking for more about my $1,200 challenge? Scroll to next post, please!)

I did not finally find the secret to keeping Joe quiet and sitting in the grocery cart at the store. When traveling past the concession stand at Target I did not see a bag of popcorn and have a light bulb moment. Asking the woman working if we had to eat the food in that area or if we could shop while eating and getting the answer I was looking for (yes, we can shop while eating!) I did not purchase a bag of popcorn for Joe and happily stroll around the store for half and hour as Joe happily munched away at the popcorn.

I did not drop my two oldest off at Vacation Bible School this morning, giddy at the thought of only having one child at home for three whole hours. That one child did not just fall asleep on the couch and I am not now wasting the total peace and quiet in the house by working on the computer, writing this post. Nope, not me!


  1. I dropped my 4 yr old off at princess activity camp at her ballet place this morning and went shopping with 2. Not quite as good as your morning but a nice break none the less.
