Monday, June 14, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Since this is my $1,2oo budget challenge month (read more about that in posts below) I will post about the hardships of that!

Yesterday I soooooo did not want to go shopping. It was a rainy day and I was bored out of my mind at home. I did not have to stop myself, several times, from heading to the store.

My husband did not remark that there was nothing good to snack on and that he hates this challenge. But being a good sport, he did not only say that once and then quiet down when I made him some chocolate chip cookies.

Happy Not Me! Monday!


  1. I read through some of your post (and if I read further I will probably find the anwser to this) but does the $1200 include bills?

  2. MamaB-
    Yes, it includes bills, the mortgage, food, and everything else. If you go over to the right hand side and go to Blog Archives and click on about day 1-4th you can read about how we are able to do this. Our mortgage is reasonable and we don't have any other debt.

  3. cute post. i like the approach. i think i'll stay tuned for some more not me posts in the future! =)
    have a great week.
    the beauty of it all is that its monday. the week's a clean canvas, with oodles of room to make it whatever you want! whatever you make of it, be sure you can look back and appreciate how its made you a more rich, more complete you. =)

  4. I posted the pics of my corn fritters! And it may sound corny, but, coming from a mom who's family is struggling right now, you inspire me. I'm going to read through your posts today then sit with the hubby and see what we can do.
    Much love
