Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 24

Sorry that I forgot to update yesterday but it was a terribly busy day! Today looks to be just as busy as we are celebrating Jacob's 5th birthday. Tomorrow I'll post about how we are celebrating without spending too much money.

Yesterday I ran to the store to let Jacob pick out a cake mix, which he will be helping me make today. I also picked up some ingredients for guacamole (which turned out terrible...what a waste!). I spent $9.53 so our total is at $37.06 for the rest of the month.

Weezy, our dog who was hit by a car, was able to get her stitches out yesterday. Her incision healed up nicely but the vet could still feel some cracks in her femur so took another x-ray. There is another spot that is cracked but the other vet feels that it should heal, he just doesn't like that she isn't putting any weight on that leg yet. So we go back in a couple weeks for another x-ray, and if everything looks good then she will be getting the pin out after that. We did pay the bill yesterday, which was $473. More bills are yet to come with the additional x-ray, the pin coming out, etc. When I posted about Weezy's accident and our budget being blown a few weeks ago all you readers said to not count that against the budget as it was an emergency and taken out of our emergency fund, not our regular budget. Since you say so, I'm not counting it against the budget. But if we had to live off $1,200 we wouldn't have had room to spare in fixing her. We would have had to make payment plans with the vet. Then again, if we were just living off $1,200 a month we wouldn't have 5 pets because we wouldn't be able to afford them. The receptionist proved this point when we went to pick her up after surgery by saying "She's lucky to have you for an owner as many people wouldn't have paid for this surgery." It isn't just those who couldn't afford it, but those who don't want to spend the money on a pet. I believe that taking ownership of a pet means taking care of all their needs, even in an emergency. But I guess not everyone feels that way.

The good news? Because of all the money we have saved this month, I didn't actually have to touch our savings account to pay the vet bill...I was able to use the extra in the checking account to pay it off. So maybe there is a reason that I chose this month, of all months, to do this challenge.

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