Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 13: Menu and Shopping

I did my weekly grocery shopping yesterday and hope to stay out of the stores until next Saturday (though I will stop at the gas station for milk sometime this week). Last week was a stressful week due to the dog getting hurt and the kids being unusually whiny and crabby and I ran to the store three times. That is not typical of me and the reason why we steer away from stores is because a quick trip to get one thing ends up into a bag or two of things and way too much money spent. We spent a lot of extra money last week on little things at the grocery store that we didn't need.

I didn't take a photo of the groceries this week because when I arrived home I found the batteries on the camera dead and I didn't want to keep all the groceries out while they recharged. My menu for the week goes:
Salmon Patties
Chicken breasts
Beef Strogganof
Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Chicken burritos
All are served with side dishes. Lunches are leftovers, sandwiches, mac and cheese, or cheese and crackers with fruit. Breakfast is yogurt, oatmeal, toast, or cold cereal.
My shopping trip included:
wheat bread $1.79
Gummi worms for Becca 67 cents
Ritz crackers $2.99 (minus $1 coupon)
Cinnamon Life cereal $2.99
Triscuit Tomato/Olive Oil crackers $2.99 (minus $1 coupon)
Stove Top Stuffing 99 cents
2 cans wet dog food 69 cents each
Spaghetti sauce $1.79
Onion Soup $1.49
dozen eggs $1.17
Chili beans $1.79
4 packages mac and cheese 77 cents each
2 cans chopped tomatoes 69 cents each
2 small candy bars for the boys 60 cents each
corn chips $1.59 (hubby only likes chili with corn chips in the bowl)
lasagna noodles $1.59
egg noodles 89 cents
tomato soup $2.29
tortillas $1.79
butter $2.49
pizza $2
fajita mix 79 cents
co-jack cheese $1.67
1.40 lb. peaches $1.39
1 tomato 38 cents
16 oz. mozzarella $2.99
Turkey bacon $2.69 (minus free coupon)
hotdogs 88 cents
4 small yogurts 60 cents each
cheese $1.89
2 packages ground beef $3.20 and $3.14
Honey Turkey slices $1
total: $58.90

My husband got some gas and spent $8.49 at the gas station. Total left for the month $383.84. We are almost half way through the month so I think we may really be able to meet this goal.

Update on Weezy: We were able to bring her home yesterday. She is doing pretty well but still won't put any weight on her leg (which is to be expected). The vet doesn't want her on any steps so every time she has to go potty we have to carry her outside. I think I may end up with some strong arm muscles by the time she is healed! We did find her on the couch this morning which was a big no-no. If she can't climb steps she surely can't climb on and off a couch! Her stitches look well except for a small area in between two stitches which is opening up a bit. I hope it will close up on it's own but will watch it closely and will call the vet if it looks any worse tomorrow. She has pain medication and seems to not be in a whole lot of pain so I hope that is the case.
I know that she is glad to be home as she was wagging her tail like crazy in the van on the way home and ran as fast as her three little legs could carry her to the kids and Ben when we arrived home. Everyone is happy to have her home!

1 comment:

  1. cinnamon life isn't the *healthiest* cereal in the world...but OMG! It is seriously YUM! Wish I had some right about now...but then again, I could probably eat the box in one sitting, lol! ;P
