Monday, May 17, 2010

Not Me! Monday

After a whole week of rain and chilly weather I did not get excited while going to the garden to see how everything had grown, only to be disappointed to see dead tomato and pepper plants. Was it the possible frost on Mother's Day that slowly killed them or the hail that we had on Tuesday? I did not replant but also leave the *almost* dead plants hoping that maybe they will make a comeback.

It wasn't me who got a pile of books at the library on Friday and spent the majority of the weekend reading. I don't ever allow myself that type of luxury. :)

I have not become frustrated with all the "stuff" that the children have and leave all over. Clothes, toys, and odds and ends are not the bane of my existence. I do not see a huge de-cluttering spree coming on.

Happy Not Me! Monday!

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah - gotta love a good de-clutter. It never lasts long.
