Monday, May 3, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Yesterday was not such a gorgeous day that we decided to grill out for the first time this year. It was not me who stuffed herself on grilled steak, homemade rolls, potato salad (yep, homemade of course!), and sliced strawberries. I did not make this whole meal for a family of five for less than $12. Nope, not me!

Are you tired of hearing about yard sale finds yet?

Last Friday I did not decide that I just had to go to a garage sale that was listed in the paper. I am totally not obsessed with garage sales and I was not thrilled when I saw the ad in the paper and realized that it was my favorite house for garage sales. Seriously, two years ago when they had a sale I did not find a load of stuff at wonderful prices. I was not so excited about this sale that I had a bit of a hard time getting to sleep the night before. That would only be pathetic and sad; so it was totally not me at all.

I was not one of a dozen cars lined up the street on Friday morning at 10am waiting for the doors to open. I did not gravitate to a table of girls clothes - the perfect size for Becca - and start picking up clothes, only to stop and wonder how much they were priced at. At that moment it was overheard that everything for sale was for a freewill donation. I did not load up on Gymboree, Gap, and Mini Boden items (yes, seriously, MINI BODEN! Those clothes are expensive and you can rarely find them at thrift stores, much less garage sales!). I actually found a few clothes for myself as well and walked away with a large box of clothing for $35.

I did not go overboard with clothing for Rebecca at garage sales this spring. My friend and I have not just recently been talking about wanting to minimize clothing and clear out dressers and not just pick things up at garage sales because they are cheap. I am totally not guilty as charged...nope, not me!


  1. Wow, what great finds!

    And, please tell me how did you feed your family of 5 for less than $12????

  2. Hi Christine! Well, the steaks were $7.50 all together, the rolls were homemade so I estimate $1, the potato salad was homemade so I estimate $1.50, and the strawberries were $2 so it all was $12! Wonderful eating on the cheap! :)
